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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I post a photo from your site
Please create a link to it. Thank you.
Hallo Mr. Dziobko, kind regards from germany (Koblenz). I am a great fan from your fantastic colour photos from american railroads in the 50ties. I hope to see much more of them.
Thanks, you never know what will turn up next when you delve into John's slide collection.
Great photos! Do you scan your slides with a drum scanner or a flatbed scanner? What is the make and model number that you use? Excellent photos. I really enjoy seeing them. Frank
John's slides are scanned with Nikon Coolscan V at the highest resolution, 4000dpi. Then they are processed in Photoshop and sized for the internet.
what street in lancaster did the holiday special run in the sixties...........are tracks still on the street and is such a movement still possible
No. That is on Water St., and if you search the web you can find a Lancaster discussion group where this very subject was talked about. Someone posted a photo of the scene today. No tracks in the street anymore.
Anything coming from John's Collection from the Pennsy's operation of the Aerotrain from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh? I wrote a couple of years ago from while posted in Iraq and still hope that the "GODFATHER" snapped that short lived service.
Sorry for the wait. I do have photos of the Aerotrain taken both in Newark, N.J., its run from New York City, and in North Philadelphia, when I rode it. I also have a view of it crossing the Rockville Bridge taken in Marysville, PA., along with others taken at Altoona, PA.
How do you pronounce your name?
Jeb'-CO. It's Ukrainian. Thats why we talked John into using GodfatherRails.com instead of Dziobkorails.com. Who could possibly know how to spell that?
Hello: Is the bridge shot at the top of the screen the Poughkeepsie Bridge? Is that picture in the archives? I did not see a listing for Pok or Highland NY? Thank you. Regards, Bob Hillman
That is the NH Poughkeepsie Bridge not currently in the archives.
I loved your talk last night at Winterail. Do you have any plans to put out a DVD? Your explanations of your trip were the best part. Thank you.
Thank you. No thought about a DVD yet.
Do you have any Western Region espc: the Fort Wayne Div?
There are various views of the PRR in the Midwest. Please look at the different PRR categories.
How can i obtain prints of your photos?
Not at this time. Thanks for your inquiry
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